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102 total results found
SSL bir servisin, Curl ile TTFB değerinin alınması
ttfb bir servisin web sunucusuna isteği iletmek için ilk hareketi yaptığımız andan başlayarak isteğin sunucuya iletilmesi isteğin sunucu tarafında alınması ve işlenmesi sonrasında cevabın bize iletilmek üzere bilgisayar ağına gönderilmesi bize varması adımla...
Autocannon ile stres testi çok kullanıcı stres testi
Autocannon sadece bir adet http endpointi test etmek üzere hazırlanmıl bir test aracıdır. Linux içerisinde npm frameworku ile birlikte çalışır. TTFB ve response time sürelerini farklı modeller ile test ederek sonuç döner. Ubuntu 20.04 veya 18.04 üzerinde kurma...
We are engineers Currently working on; Hyperscale datacenters Large scale security chains Zero Trust user pipelines Complex cloud and local network operations Large scale storage solutions ETL and workflow operations using airflow & nifi We are creato...
Current projects
Ongoing projects
Live none Cooking this is a candidate Lab as a service platform which provides pre planned and installed case simulations that produce golden ticket and candidate scoring solutions for HR departments. An SSLvpn connection analyze...
Finished Projects
2024/09 Providing network & automation services for a lead cloud operator 2024/08 Building Technical Due Dilligence report for a Private company 2024/08 Building a security platform for a multiclient workplace sharing company 2024/07 Design and implementation...
Contact Us
Address : Şehit Miralay Nazım Bey Caddesi No 29 34893 Pendik ISTANBUL/TURKEY Click here for Google Maps Phone : +90 546 676 25 25 e-mail : Send an email to operations team helpdesk : Goto helpdesk website | Send a mail to helpdesk
Mesut Bayrak
Personal BLOG Beautiful dance party and dj set [23.11.22] I stumbled upon these guys while listening the youtube music in radio mode, enjoyed the whole one and a half hour. Best with a good stereo system. They happen to have 3 of their singles in Europes top1...
Generating 1:1 ipfix from 10g pipeline - Getting the data - Part 1
Goal : generate lossles ipfix flow's from distributed pipe to monitor application or network performance, identify bootlenecks and generate alerts if possible. Why this way ? : It was expensive to do it with proprietary solutions. Plus we needed to have a fl...
Http sunucu kontrol modülü ile NGINX kurulum ve konfigürasyonu
Bu yazıda, nginx i sunuculara aktif health check yollayacak şekilde derleyip kuruyoruz, sistem fedora36 rolling. Config ve binary dosya /usr/local/nginx altında oluşacak dolayısı ile aşağıdaki bütün adımlar dosyların bu klasörde biriktiğini kabul eder. kurulu...
Join us !
We are looking for; Sr. Rust socket developers Required knowledge on rust libraries multiprocessing multithreading pcap::Device utoipa actix rocket tokio Sr. Python socket developers Required knowledge on python libraries...
Terminating bgp with apipa blocks on firewalls - Avoid at all times -
The problem [Day 1] Today i got lost in sophos firewalls internal routing and nat labyrinths, what i was trying to do was a simple LDAP integration to a server ath the end of a vpn tunnel. For interoperability reasons with AWS networks, we did used the famous ...
Wazuh Cheat Sheet
install linux agent on SLES or Opensuse To install WAZUH_MANAGER='' WAZUH_AGENT_GROUP='Linux_Servers' zypper --no-gpg-checks install to check systemctl status wazuh-agent.service ...
Gns3 as a daemon on 22.04
Kullanıcı ekliyoruz sudo adduser gns3 Gerekli python libraryler sudo apt install python3-setuptools python3-aiohttp python3-psutil python3-jsonschema git -y
Some quickwin Aflex scripts
if you need negate an insertion XFF only for a specific client if { not [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals] } { HTTP::header replace X-Forwarded-For [IP::client_addr] HTTP::header replace X-Real-IP [IP::client_addr] HTTP::header replace X-Cl...
Connecting to MS SQL Server with python
The problem Sql server connection cant find the sql engine The last line looks for a sql server engine named SQL SERVER however we don't use it anymore. Collecting pypyodbc Using cached
Tutundurma süreci
Toplantı öncesi bitmesi gerekenler Sözleşmeler gönderilir (Hizmet ve Gizlilik Sözleşmesi) Tüm çalışanlarının mail adresleri alınıp ‘’Bilgilendirme’’ maili atılır (OKAN) Sistem sorumlusu ve Şirket sahibi/Genel müdür bilgileri öğrenilir. Envanter için personel...
Course Details
Target This course is targeted for ; Computer Network administrators Network or security engineers IT Technicians Basically, people that like to have knowledge on traffic load balancing and management Requirements Basic knowledge on tcp/ip and ethernet netw...
How are we going to learn
Basics As far as i know, the best way to learn is by doing. And i mean by doing is to do every configuration one by one. I am going to supply all the configurations using a public github repo but i must say again best way to learn ACOS is to do the configurati...
About tutor
I am a, self educated, network engineer that has experince more than 20 years. I've been working at system integrators for 10 ten years and right now own one for more than 15 years. I am not a certified trainer or anything else.