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Management Access

Console port details

This is the "monitor" port of this device, with a terminal emulator and a serial console cable, you can access the device.

Console port is at the front of the device which is called "Console". and it is shown with green arrow here, You should remember that devices and the location of console ports vary depending to the model of device.

Most of the time it is called Console, but some vendors might use acronyms lik "Con", "IOIOI"

To be able to that you'll need to set the configuration of the port to

  • Speed/baudrate: 9600
  • data bits : 8
  • stop bits: 1

For windows you can use putty and for linux gtkterm is a good option, if you are a mac user you can user a tool like Serial2

Management ethernet port details

Management port is a special port seperated from the device's main thing, you'll need this port to access the device remotely or using an ethernet/ip connection.

The default settings are;

  • ip address is
  • user: admin
  • password: a10

Management access

You can connect to the device using https and ssh protocols, there is another way which is api access and we have a special section to show you how it's used.

Using ssh

for ssh you can use putty in windows and openssh for remaining platforms

Using https

For https the only need is a modern browser,