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Installing Onie installer

To install onie install on celestica d2030 switches you'll need to upload a binary file using u-boot, you can find the steps below

After rebooting the device you have to press ctrl+c continously to stop u-boot autoboot process. Then you will be greeted with the command line interface as shown below.


After you see this sign you can configure u-boot to retrieve and start onie-install through tftp. In celestica d2030 models you will need compile the machine-code befor doing it.

İt took too many time and precious knowledge from a friend i am uploading it here so no one needs to rebuilt it again.

setenv start 0xefb60000
setenv sz.b 0x4a0000
setenv ipaddr
setenv serverip
setenv netmask
setenv ethaddr  00:e0:ec:3e:8a:ca
tftp onie-cel_d2030-r0.bin
protect off $start +${sz.b} && erase $start +${sz.b}
cp.b $fileaddr $start ${sz.b} && protect on $start +${sz.b}
